A unique thriller crime series based on real Czech organized crime characters and cases from the recent past.
The most expensive series in modern Czech TV history is full of action scenes, gunfights, explosions, dangerous stunt actions, but also love affair grows up there. The Organized Crime Unit was established as an elite police squad to prosecute the highest levels of organized crime and to fight the local and international mafia. However, the corrupt OCU agents actually team up with criminals to seize control of the most powerful gangs in the country.
Against them stands their new colleague, a young policewoman Theresa, who soon meets a completely new and brutal world.
TV series | 16 x 75' | 2011
Thriller / Crime
Petr Kotek, Ivan Pokorný
Hana Vagnerová
Robert Jašków
Jan Dolanský
Pavel Zedníček
Zuzana Bydžovská
"The common opinion that it's impossible to shoot a thrilling action TV series locally smashed "Organized Crime Unit" into pieces.." - MovieMag
produced for
Nova TV (Czech Republic)
a Warner Bros. Company